YEM topic PA or Announcement systems-

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YEM topic PA or Announcement systems-

Post by Travisdupriest »

The need for PA or Announcement system for the series was brought up for discussion
- Needs a better method for announcements for race info, Anthem, Pray, etc...
- An FM low watt broadcast system will be tried out at banquet
-If a system is found or like suggestions for bringing equipment

Discussion ends Dec, 15 2014
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Re: YEM topic PA or Announcement systems-

Post by Travisdupriest »

From Preston Caple:
This is off current topic, but I would like to suggest that the series have a traveling mic/announcement/sound system thing. Something a little more bigger than a megaphone. This would save promoters and announcers a lot of breath at awards ceremonies and riders meetings and things of that sort. Would be cool to hear the national anthem and payer very clearly prior to the start of every race as well. May give a more sense of organization as well and keep people up date as the day goes on. Sure some money is involved but would be a NEW addition to the series. After all Zac Crowl doesn't really have the loudest of voices. Ruth on the other hand... well you know :D :lol:
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Re: YEM topic PA or Announcement systems-

Post by Travisdupriest »

Post by Zac Crowl:
Preston, we actually had some discussion and work on broadcasting on the radio race day. We would ALL love to have a nice announcement system, and maybe after YEA are tallied up we can afford to get one.

What happens on alot of race days is simply a lack of man power to handle all the duties. Ruth is neck deep in scoring, Scott is wrapped up with that as well as Karen and any other scoring help. I attempt to get done racing and gather up all the raffle info stuff and get that read, while the promoter is trying to get awards ready. In between short and long course many officers are working to help their child race and get themselves ready for long course.

I am actually considering not racing as much next year and just helping run things so we can have things like announcements and race updates.
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Re: YEM topic PA or Announcement systems-

Post by Travisdupriest »

Post by Ruth Gould:
Preston, I think National Anthem and prayer before each race is an AWESOME idea. Also, would love to have a PA for Zac. Cause yep, y'all know I don't need one. :lol:
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Re: YEM topic PA or Announcement systems-

Post by Travisdupriest »

Post by Travis DuPriest:
Preston I actually had a race day radio ready to test at Japton's on Fire 2014. Ruth is right not enough manpower. I have a vest with a .5 watt FM broadcaster to broadcast to any radio within a 300 ft radios on an empty FM channel. ready to rock at my race next year for anyone wanting to broadcast. I just flat out didn't even have time to utilize it. I spent quit a bit getting it working.
Post by Rob:
PA or Announcement systems: Nice but not really need in my opinion. I would invest in getting the scoring to have live updates to web. FB, twitter, what ever..
2014-2017 Vice President
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