YEM topic No practice before races

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YEM topic No practice before races

Post by Travisdupriest »

No practice before races- Both pro's and con's were brought to the table
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Re: YEM topic No practice before races

Post by Travisdupriest »

Post by Don:
I would like to see Saturday practice on the actual race course stopped. I believe that it gives the person practicing a unfair advantage and I like the idea that everyone is seeing the course for the first time on race day.

The few times my son has been able to practice the day before a race, he dominated the race the next day. Both times by almost 5 mins ahead of 2nd place. I know what your thinking, I'm shooting myself in the foot here. But I'm trying to teach him good sportsmanship, not how to win at all costs. Also a win is sweeter knowing that you didn't have a advantage over everyone else.

If a 12 year old, is improving that much I'm sure the adults are too.

The GNCC the my son raced in, did not allow practice, I don't know if other series do or not?

That's my 2 cents
Post by Travis DuPriest:
I am really torn on the topic of no practice on the race course and have a play area to ride Saturday. I wish so bad I had enough room to do that at Japtons on Fire, but its not going to happen. I have to really get creative to make a course long enough to race as it is.

If most of the tracks could have a separate practice track I would be 100% for the idea.

Do I think it is an advantage - "Yes" but the amount varies per rider. I really don't think it helps me a whole lot. I usually ride pretty easy and look for dangers on the track so I can stay in one piece the next day. For some I think it may give a much larger advantage.

For me the only time I get to play ride with some of the other racers is on practice day. I really enjoyed going out and riding with the guys. At 2 different races I was riding with D+35 riders, 1 school Boy, 1 Advanced Short Course, 1 C+35, 1 C open and b-open rider. All riding the track together on Saturday. The fast guys would wait and then play. Etc. .... I would really hate to give up that fun ride time on the tracks that don't have the room for a practice area.

I also enjoy watching the kids do the same thing. I will have to admit I think a large part of Cassie getting faster is from practice on Saturdays. Not that she always practices the short course but it gets her out riding for fun! She would go out an push herself riding with Gage and JoJo on the long course which she usually didn't even race but she was riding.

For me, I had rather have the whole weekend experience
Post by Preston:
I think I have to agree with Don on the topic of Saturday practice. The way I see it is every single racer gets to pre-ride, or NO racer gets to pre-ride. This makes it a fair advantage to everyone. Probably the majority of racers drive up the morning of race day because they cant justify the added expense nor the time to travel up and stay over night Saturday. I like the idea of ONLY getting to walk, or bicycle the trail the day before or possibly early early the morning of the race. The trail doesn't get beat up before the race even starts and allows for racers to be aware of any danger or technical areas to watch out for during the race. Most people probably wont take the time to actually walk or bike the whole course, but just so the people know they have the opportunity to get a brief sneak peak at the trail. kind of levels the playing field I think. As a rider in the Pro class, I would be more nervous to hear Parker say he "rode" the trail than for him to say he "walked" the trail. Even if I didn't walk the trail myself, I would still feel I am on a closer playing field than if he were to have actually rode the course. I feel the scenario would be the same for lower level classes, such as beginner or C classes, where the competition level broad.

Kind of a bad example but I hope y'all see what I'm trying to say.

Post by Jay:
As a promoter I am for it. Some of our promoters struggle to break even on their race. Saturday practice give them a chance to re-coop some of their expenses. I swear I am not fussing, but it takes a few thousands to put a race on. Depending on what the promoter chooses to do. We have to buy trophies, insurance, port o potties, emts, trail supplies, and other items that don't cover there own expense like tee shirts. By the time I paid everything last year at my race, which includes the series and scoring and the pros, It cost me over $6500 to put on that race. So I am in favor of letting the promoter charge and ride on Saturday. I do have the advantage of enough room I have a separate practice track ( even though last year everyone didn't follow the signs and rode my grass track and un marked areas )hahaha. I have really thought of doing team races Saturday, this way it is less time on the track, you still get to ride and I get the chance to make some of my money back. Preston, I swear I see where you are coming from, I really do. But I cant see taking away form the promoter, or the riders that can be there.
Post by Shelby:
I like Saturday practice or chance to ride. I live in the middle of town. I own no land. There's no decent public place to ride nearby. When I have the chance to travel and camp for a race weekend the opportunity to ride a practice lap might be the first time I've gotten to ride since the last race. That's a benefit to me but not a competition advantage. Plus the series needs to do what it can for Promoters to offset their expense. Supporting promoters with practice fees on a Saturday is a positive for them to stay involved.
Post by Preston:
I agree 100% with Jay and Shelby on the promoters standpoint. My argue was mainly based on a racers stand point. At the end of the day it is up to the promoter to allow Saturday riding. Im all for helping promoters get as much out of a race as possible, because with no promoters, there are no races, and we as racers want to keep those promoters wanting to keep on hosting races. On the flip side, promoters should feel obligated to satisfy their racers so they will keep coming back. Its a 2 way street and no matter how hard we try, we will never satisfy everyone.
Post by Jay:
Thanks for thinking of us Preston,and you are right, as a promoter we cant exist with out all you racers. It takes all of us to pull an event off. I see the riders side that cant make a Saturday practice, I really do. I see it more for the lower class riders ( C,D and schoolboy, not low class riders ) ha. Most of the B and above riders are experienced enough they can handle about anything that comes their way. And I have yet to be on a track that the conditions stayed the same every lap. It seems each lap develops new obstacles that were not there the lap before much less during practice
Post by Bruce:
Saturday riding can be good or bad for a track. We have had new locations that could really use the extra laps on Saturday to help establish the trail and we have had other locations that if we allowed Saturday the trail would be trashed before the first green flag. I am for letting the promoter decide if they want Saturday riding or not.
Post by Ken Powell:
I'm with Preston - it's terribly unfair to allow Saturday practice. Getting to know the course is a huge advantage. If the promoters must have more revenue (and I agree that it costs a huge amount to put on a race) then up the entry fee by $5.00.
Post by Rob:
No practice before races : Charge for practice Sat and Sun morning or pay to play Sat and Walk / MTb only Sun. no charge
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Re: YEM topic No practice before races

Post by JacobHyatt »

If you didn't have practice on Saturday, there is still a huge potential for an advantage for some people versus other people on Sunday mornings. For example, a single adult long course rider with no children riding, has the time to 'bike' or 'walk' the long course. A parent has to focus on their children's race and would then have a disadvantage of not being able to see the trail before the race.

Saturday practice is great for families, promoters, and anyone just wanting to enjoy a race weekend. Everyone has equal opportunities to show up on Saturday as the next person. I work weekends and take vacation days and adjust my schedule around the AHSCS schedule.

There is no way to please everyone and I think the majority would choose to keep Saturday riding in the mix.
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Re: YEM topic No practice before races

Post by Patrick »

Without riding on Saturday I don't think I would participate in all the races .
Without it it's not worth taking off work and spending hundreds in gas food etc.
Many times I actually enjoy Saturday riding more than Sunday.

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